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Cornerstone Learning Management System (LMS)

Faculty and staff have access to learning with more than 17,000 online courses and more than 100 instructor-led sessions every year.


We recommend using Chrome or Firefox to access your LMS. Use your O-key credentials to start exploring your learning options.


Using Filters


Certificate programs have required/core and elective classes that apply to completing a program. You can easily find sessions that apply by typing in your certificate program title, or a portion of the title, in the search bar at the top of the welcome page, or you can use filters. 

Simply select Learning from the drop down menu on the upper right corner of your Cornerstone welcome page, or select the Events Calendar widget and follow these steps:

  1. Select "Add Subject(s) filters" on the left side of the screen
  2. Click the white box with the black "+" next to "Certificate Programs",
  3. Click the blue + sign next to the certificate program you are enrolled in, and
  4. Click "Done" in the box and the calendar will then show sessions that only apply to your certificate program.


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