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Ambassador Program

Staff are ambassadors for OSU. Often, they are the first, and even the most important contact for a person on the telephone, student in need of assistance, or person in need of answers. With this in mind, we developed the OSU Ambassador Program to enhance the knowledge and skills of the people who play this critical role in the public perception of OSU and its smooth, efficient operation. Successful completion shows a desire for continuous learning and improvement.  

Getting started

We highly encourage you to work with your supervisor to select a professional development program and courses to take to complete the program. Although you can work on this track at your own pace, we require completion within 2 years.

Participants of the Ambassador Program must complete 6 core courses and 10 elective courses.


Core courses are outlined in the tracking form in the How To Enroll section below, and also available when you complete your registration.


Both online and classroom courses can be used to complete your elective courses.


  • Online Courses:
    • We recommend that test scores be printed and kept on file in case they are needed. The Learning Management System (LMS) must show the class as completed in order for credit to be given.
    • Up to 5 online courses can be counted towards your electives.
    • Completed online courses must be Customer Service or Administrative Professional. These courses will not be marked by program. You must use the search or browse options and keywords or subjects to find courses with the content.
  • Classroom Courses:
    • Classroom courses can be selected from any Talent Development department-sponsored sessions, LIVE Virtual sessions, or events that fall into the learning scope of the track selected. If in doubt, contact Talent Development at
    • A course can only be counted one time. All courses used to obtain a certificate of completion cannot be used to complete any other track.
    • Session attendance records will be used for verification purposes. Be sure to sign-in for any session attended.
  1. Once you have completed the specific number of courses, mail the Completion Form to Talent Development & Recruitment, 201 General Academic Building (GAB) or e-mail to

  2. Your supervisor will be notified of your completion and an official Certificate of Achievement will be sent through campus mail.

    In order to receive full credit for completing your program and to receive notifications of special events for your program you must register for the certificate program.

    • Using your o-key credentials log-In to the Cornerstone at
    • Locate the search in the upper right side of your Cornerstone welcome page
    • Enter the title of the program “Ambassador Program Curricula
    • Click the “request” tab on the training details page.

    Once you request a curriculum program, we will be notified and will determine your eligibility. You will receive a notification email of the determination. We will also add the “due date” for program completion which will display on your transcript.


    We suggest that once you are approved for a curriculum program you print the tracking/completion form that can be found below or within the curricula materials in the training details on your transcript.


    Tracking Form


    Browse and register for courses at


    Please note that we are always improving and adding new sessions to our certificate programs.


    Here are some helpful tips to know if a training applies to your program or not: 

    1. Select Learning from the drop down menu on the upper right side of your Cornerstone welcome page, or select the Events Calendar widget and follow these steps:

    a. click "Add Subject(s) filters" on the left side of the screen,
    b. click the white box with the black + sign next to "Certificate Programs",
    c. click the blue + sign next to the certificate program you are enrolled in,
    d. click "Done" in the box and the calendar will then show sessions that only apply to your certificate program.


    If you are participating in a certificate program, it is critical to pace your progress in the program. Pacing is important for two reasons: 1.) so that you are able to take advantage of a variety of courses that will best serve your needs and interests when a course is offered, 2.) so that you complete the program before your due date. 

    It is our policy to not extend program due dates as we feel the program time frames allow ample time to complete. If you are enrolled in a curriculum program and do not know your current due date, please contact us at for this information.


    This certificate program requires a 2-year commitment.


    Core courses are offered twice a year and electives are offered throughout the calendar year.


    Elective courses vary for each certificate program. Elective courses are subject to change throughout the calendar year to provide a range of options.


    Courses listed in multiple tracks can only be counted towards the completion of one learning track. You cannot use the same course to meet the course requirements of multiple learning tracks. You may participate in only one certificate program at a time.


    Some colleges/divisions also offer incentive plans for participating in training and continuing education. 


    Certificate Program Incentives

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