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Title IX Process

There are two offices on campus that investigate reports of alleged sexual misconduct on campus. Which office you work with depends on the affiliation of the Respondent. 

  • Office of Student Support & Conduct:
    • If you are a student and the respondent is a student.

    • If you are faculty or staff and the respondent is a student.
  • The Title IX Office:

    • If you are faculty or staff and the respondent is faculty or staff.

    • If you are a student and the respondent is faculty or staff.

You can decide how you are most comfortable responding to their outreach. You have the right to participate as much or as little as you’d like. The process will be different depending on each situation, so feel free to meet with the Title IX coordinator and ask questions before making a decision.


Keep in mind that if you have named the Respondent, the office has a duty to follow up with that person. You will also be connected to other support services on campus. Students will receive outreach from Student Support and Conduct. Student Support and Conduct provides advocacy and support, offers academic accommodations and provides guidance to mental health and other support services. Faculty and staff can receive additional support through the OSU EAP

The investigation and resolution process for a student, faculty or staff member: 

  • Student

    The Student Support and Conduct process addresses and resolves allegations of sexual violence any time a student is the person accused of the inappropriate behavior, often this person is referred to as the respondent, as they are the individual responding the complaint.


    We recommend visiting the Student Support and Conduct site to learn more about the student process.

  • Faculty

    Upon receipt of a complaint, the Title IX Coordinator, or their designee, will make every effort, within sixty calendar days, to complete a thorough investigation of the circumstances of the allegations. If additional time is needed to conduct a thorough investigation, the Title IX Coordinator may extend the time for completing the investigation as reasonably necessary. In this case, the complainant and the respondent will be notified of the estimated time needed to complete the investigation.


    The investigation will include interviews with the complaining party, the respondent, and any material witnesses identified, as well as a review of any documents or other evidence. The complaining party and the respondent will be kept apprised of the investigation and will be given the opportunity to provide any additional relevant information to the coordinator, including the names of additional witnesses to contact and/or additional documents to review before the investigation is closed. The complainant and respondent will be promptly notified of the final determination. 


    The Title IX Coordinator has no independent authority to impose sanctions. If there has been a violation of university policy and/or the faculty handbook, the Title IX coordinator provides a recommendation as to the appropriate sanction. The dean, division head, and/or the Provost will then be responsible for deciding upon and imposing disciplinary action as soon as reasonably possible.


    Sanctions imposed on those individuals who have been found to be in violation of university policy or the faculty handbook shall be commensurate with the severity and/or frequency of the conduct, and shall be adequate and sufficient to prevent such conduct in the future. 


    Faculty members who receive disciplinary penalties under OSU’s nondiscrimination policies may contact the Provost office for information about the grievance process.

  • Staff

    Upon receipt of a complaint, the Title IX Coordinator, or their designee, will make every effort, within sixty calendar days, to complete a thorough investigation of the circumstances of the allegations. If additional time is needed to conduct a thorough investigation, the Title IX Coordinator may extend the time for completing the investigation as reasonably necessary. In this case, the complainant and the respondent will be notified of the estimated time needed to complete the investigation.


    The investigation will include interviews with the complaining party, the respondent, and any material witnesses identified, as well as a review of any documents or other evidence. The complaining party and the respondent will be kept apprised of the investigation and will be given the opportunity to provide any additional relevant information to the coordinator, including the names of additional witnesses to contact and/or additional documents to review before the investigation is closed. The complainant and respondent will be promptly notified of the final determination. 


    The Title IX Coordinator has no independent authority to impose disciplinary action. If there has been a violation of university policy the Title IX coordinator provides a recommendation as to the appropriate disciplinary action.


    Disciplinary action imposed on those individuals who have been found to be in violation of university policy shall be commensurate with the severity and/or frequency of the conduct, and shall be adequate and sufficient to prevent such conduct in the future. 


    Staff members who receive disciplinary action under this policy may consult Human Resources for information about the grievance process, which may be used to challenge alleged violations, misinterpretations, or inequitable application of policies or procedures.