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Human Resources

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Filing a complaint

The Office of Equal Opportunity is committed to supporting the University’s mission to create and maintain an educational and work environment free from all forms of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, exploitation, intimidation, and discrimination based upon race or national origin.
If you experience any of the above to include: sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, please contact our office via email at or by calling 405-744-1156 to file a report. Once received, the Office of Equal Opportunity will reach out to the appropriate parties to discuss next best steps and provide information on resources and accommodations. Questions? Please contact our office via email or call 405.744.1156 or visit Get Help. You may use EthicsPoint to submit an anonymous report. 
The Office of Equal Opportunity handles incidents involving faculty and staff. To report an incident in which a student is the complainant and a faculty or staff member is the respondent, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity. To file a report in which a student, faculty or staff member  is the complainant and a student is the respondent please contact the Office of Student Conduct.