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COVID-19 Protocol for Fall 2021

It Is the intent of OSU to return to full on-campus staffing in preparation for the fall semester. As we transition to full on-campus staffing, it is important to allow time for planning. Please note that current accommodations for faculty and staff due to COVID-19 reasons will expire on May 14, 2021, in keeping with information shared during the fall 2020 semester.


Accommodations needed beyond May 14, 2021, will require an updated medical note from the appropriate treating physician, and will be reviewed on an individual basis in keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended. As a helpful guide for accommodation due to COVID-19, please find the protocols for faculty and staff below.


    I - Employees (Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants) whose positions may allow for remote work:

    All requests to work from an alternate work location beginning after May 14, 2021, shall meet the following requirements:

    • Name and course number of each class requested to be taught; if this is unavailable, please provide information related to the curriculum generally taught by the individual and a rationale for why the name and course number is unavailable at this time;
    • Name of supervisor;
    • Name of department head;

    The employee must meet at least one of the requirements listed below:

    • The employee having an underlying medical condition the CDC considers an increased risk, which may be severely impacted by contracting COVID-19;
    • Someone in the employee’s household or personal relationship circle to include individuals who have an underlying health condition that may be severely impacted by contracting COVID-19. The employee’s relationship with these individuals creates an expectation that the employee would care for them if any of these individuals were quarantined or self-quarantined.
    1. During initial discussions, employees will be advised to encrypt all emails that include personal health or medical information. If assistance is needed in encrypting emails, please refer them to the Email Encryption webpage or have them contact the IT HelpDesk at 405.744.4357.
    2. Once the information is received, the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) will contact the department to discuss the request with the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) to handle the request. The dialogue with the department will address any concerns regarding the employee’s ability to teach remotely.
    3. Each concern by the department will be addressed, including current performance issues the employee may have, and whether the specific job is appropriate for remote delivery.
    4. After the interactive process has been completed, the OEO will assess whether a recommendation can or cannot be made to allow the faculty member to teach remotely. Decision makers will be informed of the decision to recommend or not recommend an accommodation, and an email will be sent to the employee, immediate supervisor, department head and/or dean (or designee).
    5. Should the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) allow the faculty member to work remotely where an accommodation is not recommended by the OEO, the decision maker will provide HR Consulting Services with the names of faculty who do not meet requirements under CDC guidelines but have been approved to work from an alternate location. The HR Consultant will work with the supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) on the Alternate Work Location paperwork.  

    II – Employees (Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants) whose positions will not allow for remote work:

    Employees whose positions can only be performed on campus, but request to work remotely due to:

    • The employee having an underlying medical condition the CDC considers an increased risk, which may be severely impacted by contracting COVID-19;
    • Someone in the employee’s household or personal relationship circle to include individuals who have an underlying health condition that may be severely impacted by contracting COVID 19. The employee’s relationship with these individuals creates an expectation that the employee would care for them if any of these individuals were quarantined or self-quarantined.
    1. During initial discussions, employees will be advised to encrypt all emails that include personal health or medical information. If assistance is needed in encrypting emails, please refer them to the Email Encryption webpage or have them contact the IT HelpDesk at 405.744.5357.
    2. Once the information is received, the OEO will contact the department to discuss the request with the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) to handle the request. The dialogue with the department will address any concerns regarding the employee’s ability to teach remotely.
    3. Each concern by the department will be addressed, including current performance issues the employee may have, and whether the specific class is appropriate for remote delivery.
    4. After the interactive process has been completed, the OEO will assess whether a recommendation can or cannot be made to allow the faculty member to teach remotely. Decision makers will be informed of the decision to recommend or not recommend an accommodation, and an email will be sent to the employee, immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee), and HR Representative for the respective department.
    5. Should the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) allow the faculty member to work remotely where an accommodation is not recommended by the OEO, the decision maker will provide HR Consulting Services with the names of faculty who do not meet requirements under CDC guidelines but have been approved to work from an alternate location. The HR Representative will work with the supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) on the Alternate Work Location paperwork.  

    III- Any requests that require a more thorough review, that are too complex to handle through the above process, or do not fall into any of the categories listed above

    1. OEO will respond to the employee by email that the request is under review and provide the employee with the approximate date the process will be completed.

    Note - this guidance will be revised as needed due to evolving guidance from the CDC and EEOC.


    Phase I – Employees who request to continue working remotely:

    All requests to work beginning after May 14, 2021, from an alternate work location shall meet the following requirements:

    • Name of employee who is requesting to continue working remotely;
    • Copy of job description;
    • Name of immediate supervisor;
    • Name of department head;

    I - Employees (Staff) whose positions may allow for remote work:

    The employee must meet at least one of the requirements listed below:

    • The employee having an underlying medical condition the CDC considers an increased risk, which may be severely impacted by contracting COVID-19;
    • Someone in the employee’s household or personal relationship circle to include individuals who have an underlying health condition that may be severely impacted by contracting COVID 19. The employee’s relationship with these individuals creates an expectation that the employee would care for them if any of these individuals were quarantined or self-quarantined.
    1. During initial discussions, employees will be advised to encrypt all emails that include personal health or medical information. If assistance is needed in encrypting emails, please refer them to the Email Encryption webpage or have them contact the IT HelpDesk at 405.744.4357.
    2. Once the information is received, the OEO will contact the department to discuss the request with the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) to handle the request. The dialogue with the department will address any concerns regarding the employee’s ability to work remotely.
    3. Each concern by the department will be addressed, including current performance issues the employee may have, and whether the specific job is appropriate for remote delivery.
    4. After the interactive process has been completed, the OEO will assess whether a recommendation can or cannot be made to allow staff to work remotely. Decision makers will be informed of the decision to recommend or not recommend an accommodation, and an email will be sent to the employee, immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee).
    5. Should the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) allow the staff member to work remotely where an accommodation is not recommended by the OEO, the decision maker will provide HR Consulting Services with the name of the staff member who does not meet requirements under CDC guidelines but have been approved to work from an alternate location. The HR Consultant will work with the supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) on the Alternate Work Location paperwork.   

    II – Employees (Staff) whose positions will not allow for remote work:

    Employees whose positions can only be performed on campus, but request to work remotely due to:

    • The employee having an underlying medical condition the CDC considers an increased risk, which may be severely impacted by contracting COVID-19;
    • Someone in the employee’s household or personal relationship circle to include individuals who have an underlying health condition that may be severely impacted by contracting COVID 19. The employee’s relationship with these individuals creates an expectation that the employee would care for them if any of these individuals were quarantined or self-quarantined.
    1. During initial discussions, employees will be advised to encrypt all emails that include personal health or medical information.If assistance is needed in encrypting emails, please refer them to the Email Encryption webpage or have them contact the IT HelpDesk at 405.744.5347.
    2. Once the information is received, the OEO will contact the department to discuss the request with the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) to handle the request. The dialogue with the department should address any concerns regarding the employee’s ability to work remotely.
    3. Each concern by the department will be addressed, including current performance issues the employee may have, and whether the specific class is appropriate for remote delivery.
    4. After the interactive process has been completed, the OEO will assess whether a recommendation can or cannot be made to allow the staff member to work remotely. Decision makers will be informed of the decision to recommend or not recommend an accommodation, and an email will be sent to the employee, immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee), and HR Consultant assigned to the department.
    5. Should the immediate supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) allow staff to work remotely where an accommodation is not recommended by the OEO, the decision maker will provide HR Consulting Services with the name of the staff member who does not meet requirements under CDC guidelines but have been approved to work from an alternate location. The HR Consultant will work with the supervisor, department head, and/or dean (or designee) on the Alternate Work Location paperwork.  

    III- Any requests that require a more thorough review, that are complex to handle through the above process or do not fall into categories addressed above

    1. OEO will respond to the employee by email that the request is under review and provide the employee with the approximate date the process will be completed.

    Note - this guidance will be revised as needed due to evolving guidance from the CDC and EEOC.

OSU Human Resources developed this information for the convenience of OSU employees. It is a brief interpretation of more detailed and complex materials. If further clarification is needed, the actual law and policy should be consulted as the authoritative source. OSU continually monitors benefits, policy, and procedures and reserves the right to change, modify, amend, or terminate programs at any time, with or without notice.