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OSU Talent Share

The university talent share service offers departments across campus an opportunity to maximize on one of OSU’s best resources, our employees. University Human Resources will manage an internal talent pool to redeploy in-house talent to areas where additional support is necessary. Employees will enrich their contributions to the university, have a chance to learn another area of campus and play a role in helping a department achieve their goals. This service may provide employees displaced due to a layoff with an alternative position as they become available.


  • How does this work?

    The overall talent share process will begin with a departmental administrator who determines the temporary talent needs and the capacity within their unit. The appropriate process to either request talent or share talent is then followed. Talent Development & Recruitment will review the request and the available employees to identify potential matches to connect the two departments.

  • Talent Share Process

    If you have an employee who has the capacity to perform a service outside of their primary role on either a full-time or part-time basis, the employee will apply for a Talent Share Opportunity on the Talent Management System. This service is extended to employees facing a layoff as well.

  • Talent Request Process

    If you have work available, a departmental administrator will create a requisition within the Talent Management System to provide Talent Development & Recruitment with a few details about what the work entails.

  • Employee and Departmental Responsibilities and Expectations

    Once a work arrangement has been determined, OSU HR will connect the department representative and the primary contact for the work to facilitate the coordination interdepartmentally. Open dialogue between each department will be essential for the employee’s success.


    Please note, the staffing resources are limited and based on current availability. An attempt to provide employees with a temporary role similar to their current role will be made to the fullest extent possible.

    • The employee’s supervisor may notify the employee of the temporary reassignment and OSU HR will notify the employee as well
    • The primary contact for the work will discuss specific work-related items with the employee (i.e. required training, job-specific training/onboarding and scheduling)
    • The arrangement will not result in an increase or decrease in the employee’s pay unless otherwise stated
    • Employees will need to clock in/out on their regular time entry system; schedule changes or time off requests are approved by the department providing the work as well as in accordance with the employee’s home department protocols
    • The same work procedures as the employee’s home department are in place for the temporary role including contributing to a safe, clean and pleasant workplace and complying with rules and protocols
    • The employee will be able to return to their regular positions as needed (24-48 hour advanced notice is appreciated)

The university talent share service and internal talent pool will continue to adjust based on university operations.