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Catastrophe Leave and Wildfire Impact

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Administrative leave can be used for catastrophic events as defined in OSU Policy 3-0713, section 7.01D. 


D. Catastrophe Leave  

1. A staff member who suffers individual, personal misfortune as a result of an event such as fire, explosion, flood, or violent weather, will be granted up to three working days of paid administrative leave, if the event occurs while the employee is not on leave without pay. 


Many members of the Cowboy family have been impacted by the March 14 wildfires in Stillwater and may need to utilize the provisions of this policy. If you have been impacted by the fires, please contact your supervisor or HR Consultant and fill out this form to facilitate information and guidance on relief resources and catastrophe leave.


As a reminder, employee mental health resources are available here, and we are compiling a list of additional fire recovery resources here. Check often for updates.


For those seeking assistance or looking to provide assistance, the City of Stillwater is requesting they email Monetary donations can be sent to the United Way of Payne County.


For questions regarding policy and resources, please contact your Human Resources Consultant.